February 28, 2011

I've been here before

This morning I'm sitting in the waiting room at the cancer center and it came upon me that I must have been here at least 100 times. Not at this particular facility, but over the past six years, I have sat in medical facility waiting rooms well over 100 times.

This observation came to me as I looked around and noticed the others, waiting themselves. Those with bandanas are obviously grizzled veterans like myself. Then I witness the groups of families. Maybe mom, dad and one of their older children. They pick up and read the pamphlets and tend to be a bit more talkative than those who've been here before.

Each of us in this waiting room are not only in a different stage of the journey, but we travel the road that is the journey differently. Just this morning I was reading yet another story about the link between red meat and cancer. As I observe fellow patients, I am certain many of them skipped over the pamphlet that promotes the important link between nutrition and cancer. My remark is not intended to be snide or disrespectful, I just find it difficult to imagine myself, in this battle, still eating and behaving as I did before cancer.

A good, snappy analogy eludes me this morning. I know I've spoke of this in previous posts, but it really gets to me. I just want to sit next to people and try to get through to them and try to convince them that it is in their best interest to follow a low fat diet.We have so little in our control, diet is one thing we can try to do to help ourselves.

I pray that they eventually realize how important diet can be in fighting cancer.  I know most won't change, and some simply just don't want to.
In closing I should report that my Doc in Atlanta diagnosed my back as a muscle pull. It inially started a few days after I played disc golf (after a two month lay off). I followed that up by continuing working out each morning. Sometimes I can be a little stubborn. After not working out for almost a week and being extra careful, I'm happy to report I'm 48 hours without Advil and last night I slept better and without a heating pad for the first time in over a week. Thankfully, problem solved.


Karen said...

I'm glad you pointed this out. I've also secretly noticed this at my own cancer center waiting room for years!

Anonymous said...

I eat a low fat diet ,And I never eat red meat , but after years of continuous adt it is hard to keep weight off. How is the abby working?
Dan J

Anonymous said...

My dad is on strict diet since diagnosis. Only vegetarian food. No meat at all. Fish twice a month. It is very easy is to follow there in India. I find it very difficult here in US.