July 27, 2011

Whoa, where did that come from??

I have to start this post with a recap of the Warrior Combine event. Although the video link in my previous post did a great job of recapping the event, there are of course a few things I would like to say.

First, I need to thank Jason for bringing this idea to me in June of 2010. If it weren't for Jason, the Warrior Combine event would have never have happened last year or this year.  Next, I need to thank the participants. The video only begins to capture what these guys put into this event. I am envious of their abilities! Next my appreciation goes out to the FLHW Board and the other volunteers, I tip my hat to you as well. I appreciate your generousity to our mission and withstanding the exceptionally warm morning of July 23rd.  Finally, to Fox4-KC and John Holt, I am sincerely grateful for the coverage we received! It is personally so important to me to reach out to the men of the community regarding the importance of being tested, and through the time we were given on Fox4 news this Saturday, I am confident that our message reached many!

Jason and I had big plans for this year's event and although twenty three participants is not huge, we nearly doubled the participation from last year. Additionally, the event raised over $2,000! Jason and I talked yesterday and both agreed, it's not just about raising money...the publicity we received was priceless. There is no telling how many men we impacted with the message.

It's not too late to help out. We still have a few shirts left (Sizes range from medium to XL and XXL) and we have Warrior hats available as well.  Pictures of both are on the order page, available at:

Now to the title of this post. Sunday I began to experience a lot of pain in my lower back and left hip again. It was nearly identical to last month, only more intense. By yesterday and through Monday I was taking four Advil every four to five hours and taking several Percocet in order to sleep. Even with the meds, sleep was rough. The good news is last night I slept much better and as of now, I haven't taken anything in over eight hours.

This is very similar to what happened after I saw the doctor in June. Five days after the appointment and injections, I experienced back and leg pain. Again, this month it was much more severe, but I really think I  have turned the corner!


Samuel Collins said...

Yes, thank you to all and God bless.

swatimittal@yahoo.com said...

Hang in there! Things will work out! :-)