March 03, 2008

Ric Masten

There is a man named Ric Masten. He has suffered with advanced PC for 10 years now. A link to his website is on the left. His blog is one of the first that I found after my diagnosis.

He is a poet, skilled well beyond my silly little verses.

Ric is not doing so well. I ask that you take a moment and add a little prayer for him and his family.

A few weeks ago we traded emails about his poem "On the Mountain".
You can read it here, for those that know me well, you might guess what we talked about.

I am really sad right now.....CANCER SUCKS


Anonymous said...

You probably know that my father Ric Masten died on May 9. He was very proud of touching and helping other men like himself, like yourself, living with cancer. Keep the spirit moving, man to man!
April Masten

Kelly Karius said...

Ric and I simply exchanged some emails, because I liked his work, and wanted to use Let it be a dance in one of my books. He gifted me with some of his books, and we remained in touch. It's a few years after he's passed, and I think of him often. In fact, I've just been asked a question about being affected by the way someone has told their story - and that is why I'm looking for links about Ric. I agree with April...keep the spirit moving.
Kelly Karius