October 27, 2009

Something new for FLHW

I am proud to announce the launch of the new and improved www.flhw.org
go check it out when you have a minute!

I owe a tremendous thanks to the site designer, Joyce Hutchings. She's a co-worker from years and years ago at Sprint. Joyce put a lot of time into updating the site and teaching me the basics on updating it as well. I think she did a fantastic job and hope after looking it over, you agree. As I always say, the kindness of friends and strangers never ceases to amaze me, Joyce thank you very, very much!

There are still a few tweaks for me to include but as it stands, it is ready for prime time. Please poke around the site and let me know what you think!

After all this, I'm not done! Up next, it's kind of a secret but I'll just say "Yes, there is an app for that."!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The new site looks great! Very easy to navigate with a TON of info. Good job!